Thursday, May 10, 2007

Girl power!!

Call me a feminist, i dont care...but i believe that women are superior to men in al ascpects!! i gues evreyone knows Segolene Royal! the one contending for d French presidential election! Leading the socialist front she is an amazing women i hav ever seen.mother to four childeren, her works ,her strength are applaudable.Though she lost d electon by a mere slip (47% in her favour),
she has won many hearts! i guess she lost d election oly because she was a women..comeon not many men wud b happy wid a female president! nyways i dunno wen dese lesser mortals ( the chauvinistic lot ) wil learn to accept facts! I gues u heard this one "har kar bhi jeethna"..thats so true in this case!
We al know abt Indira gandhi, sarojini naidu, prncess diana,n many more.. lets jus focus on d present women. Though iam discussing abt d present women, i possibly cant ignore Mother terresa! how much ever said is defently less! Have you ever seen ny man fighting for the poor or for that reason any social cause? i have'nt! I just adore her !
Hmm coming to the point, let me start abt d girl power in our own country. I just adore n respect Sonia gandhi! Awesome politician...they say she is corrupt or watever, but she wudnt hav survived d indian politics if she were al that goody goody. And wat abt Medha patekar (narmada bachao) ...who can forget her..she is so strong minded, and her will power ..everyone knows! Menaka gandhi, Renuka chowdary, Indra nooyi, d list goes on and on.. How can i possibly forget abt jayalalitha?? She is jus one super women, u jus cant help admiring her for her guts! Suspendin nearly 1lac government employees is not a joke! though she has few bad qualities, d power she emanates ,masks everything. Her mere presence makes a chill run down their spine!
Well my first great influence was Aung san su kyi! Follower of the Gandhian ways, she stood against d al powerfull military rule in myanmar! She was kept under house arrest from 2003 . She was realsed later in 2005 i gues. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her achivements and work .Her speeches influenced the youth and she had d whole of Burmese people support! In one of her speeches she told,

"And let me say this morning that when the Burmese government tries to blame the victims for the crime, and say that Aung San Suu Kyi and her party are responsible for their own repression, I can only reply that much the same was once said about Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Vaclav Havel. The world is not fooled. And we must not be silent. (Madeleine Albright, US Secretary of State)".

"It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it." Fearlessness is the best response to governmental violence. In conclusion she writes that "truth, justice and compassion... are often the only bulwarks against ruthless power." These are the teachings of Buddha.

Knowing her struggle and the pains she took to free burma wil bring tears to your eyes! Jus visit her webpage to know more!

Few inspiring quotes by women

Cautious, careful people always casting about to preserve their reputation or social standards never can bring about reform. Those who are really in earnest are willing to be anything or nothing in the world's estimation, and publicly and privately, in season and out, avow their sympathies with despised ideas and their advocates, and bear the consequences."
—Susan B. Anthony

"The day will come when men will recognize woman as his peer, not only at the fireside, but in councils of the nation. Then, and not until then, will there be the perfect comradeship, the ideal union between the sexes that shall result in the highest development of the race."
—Susan B. Anthony

"There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers."
—Susan B. Anthony

"In passing, also, I would like to say that the first time Adam had a chance he laid the blame on a woman."
—Nancy Astor

(British Politician)

"For what is done or learned by one class of women becomes, by virtue of their common womanhood, the property of all women."
—Elizabeth Blackwell

(The first woman in the U.S. to become a physician)

"My address is like my shoes. It travels with me. I abide where there is a fight against wrong."
—Mother Jones

"Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got."
—Janis Joplin

"People think at the end of the day that a man is the only answer [to fulfillment]. Actually a job is better for me."
—Princess Diana

"In my heart, I think a woman has two choices: either she's a feminist or a masochist."
—Gloria Steinem


Sandeep Sundaram said...

hey come on mate whoz saying tht women/female is inferior 2 man/male .....
i hardly object tht i am always of the fact tht both of them r equal in their own ways ........
No male r female shld claim tht they r superior 2 one another ...
i am of the opinion tht
Woman Is God’s Best Creation

“God could not be everywhere , that’s is why he made a mother{women}”
“Its not possible for a bird to fly with one wing”.
By Swami Vivekanad

and i 2 think the same...
i have been called as feminist .. i am against am not i am one of those guys who thinks tht both the sects r equal no matter wht, in some cases one may superior 2 one other but on whole everything is equal no one is superior 2 one another...
i have posted some thiong related 2ur post some tym back
chk this out if possible..

Impressionist said...

hey lovely blog buddy! :)
Welcome to the blogging world!!

peace & love

Karthik Manamcheri said...

first of all chill .. like devil's advocate said .. both feminism and chauvenism are silly ..

a mother father reqd to make a baby .. a mother father reqd to raise a child ..

a man woman reqd to sparkle love .. there are so many things so wonderful because of the duality of our species ..

and yes i know sometimes because of being a woman some of them are politically, socially and emotionally supressed .. its wrong and i support you on that claim .. but there are times when being a man is unlucky .. !!! ..

Crazyguy @ SiR said...

The post simply shows how insecure u feel like the rest lot of ur kind in today's male dominated society. Stop comparing genders and their superiorities. It's such a waste. Boy's and girls are equally important. No one is greater than the other. Don't u love ur appa just because u r a feminist? I wonder wat u would do if u r in afghan!! Oh! God or Godess(whatever u want). Anyways me too new to blog world. Mutual congratulations. Bye. Take care.

Jit said...

"I will feel equality has arrived when we can elect to office women who are as incompetent as some of the men who are already there." --Maureen Reagan

This one seems to be my favourite on this particular subject

Weekend Warrior said...

It's better to call man and woman different from each other than saying one is superior to an other. There are certain strong and weak points in either gender.

Proneat said...

yeah u r a feminist. u said u dont care..:D . yeah u indeed r :P

Anand said...

Think again. You will find a different answer. I would call it a better answer. lol

Branding de Indian way said...

all me a feminist, i dont care...but i believe that women are superior to men in al ascpects!! ?????

Men are someway superior dude :p

No use screaming that women are superior :)

Give it a second thought U can feel that both are equally superior !!!